What we do as individuals can make a real impact on the UAE greenhouse gas emissions, as a significant proportion come from our everyday activities. If everyone takes steps to save energy, the combined effect will make a real difference.
We have recently joined ‘Heroes of the UAE’ as a Corporate Hero.
Heroes of the UAE is a campaign jointly developed by The Emirates Wildlife Society in association with the Worldwide Fund for Nature (EWS-WWF) and The Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi, and is endorsed by the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Environment & Water, MASDAR, and the Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority.
The campaign’s mission is t alert everyone in the UAE that drastic action must be taken now to curb our energy consumption, avert dangerous shortages and become a great deal more energy conscious.
The campaign is centred round the www.heroesoftheuae.ae website, where people can find out everything they need to know about the causes of the problem and also find out what they can do to help solve it.
Traditional bulbs provide us with light but waste a lot of energy. Using compact fluorescent lights (CFL) and light emitting diode lamps (LED) can significantly cut energy consumption and carbon footprint.
Through our membership of Heroes of the UAE, we can offer every member of staff a free low energy bulb. Let us know if you would like some sample bulbs.
Please email green@transguardgroup.net